Looking Back at Spain

My husband and I were supposed to go on our first ever Europe Trip this May. Due to global outbreak of Covid-19, we of course had to cancel the trip. It was a disappointing feeling, but we knew that almost everyone is also making sacrifices for the larger perspective of protecting others. It is a sacrifice we were more than willing to make. Even with small businesses and the wedding industry getting hit hard, I know we will eventually bounce back and it will all be worth it.

In the meantime, I took a look back at the only other time I’ve been to Europe. I visited Spain in 2017 (with my sister) and will always cherish this wonderful country that was full of beautiful architecture and people. My heart is with Europe and the rest of the world struggling with the impact of the pandemic. It shows us how connected we truly are and to not take the small things for granted. Spread kindness, not germs!


A Cozy In-Home Newborn Session


Jen & Jason Engagement